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Custom pieces for Historic Societies, Sites and Organizations

​ I create special pieces picturing buildings, logos or other graphics, as well as, special designs for awards.


Custom building plates require a photo or drawing of the building.  The photo or drawing will be used to create the design on the sgraffito plate.  Round (7 1/2" and 10 1/2") and Oval (approx 12" x 9") plates are available.  Photos - there can be no large obstructions such as cars or signs, but objects such as telephone poles that offer minimal obstruction are acceptable. Trees and flowers may be included on the plate as well and should appear in the photo/drawing if they are to be included on the plate.


Logos will be the red clay, yellowish glaze with the optional green.

Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society

Custom ornament

Peter Wentz Farmstead

The mission of the Peter Wentz Farmstead Society is to preserve and interpret an 18th century Pennsylvania German farmstead

50th Wedding Anniversary Plate

Custom design!


This logo will be incorporated into a custom design

Logo on an award

Custom Award plate

Speakers House

Our organization is dedicated to bringing the legacy and home of Frederick Muhlenberg back to life

Trappe ornament

Muhlenberg was Speaker of the Pennsylvania General Assembly and also a pivotal figure in local history, serving as the first president judge, recorder of deeds, and register of wills when Montgomery County was established in 1784. For several years, his home in Trappe was a de facto center of government.

Latvian Church

Custom Pennsylvania German Redware plate decorated using the Sgraffito technique 7 1/2 inch diameter


My home and studio.

Sumneytown Hotel

Custom Pennsylvania German Redware platter decorated using the Sgraffito technique 12" x 9"

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